Rey and Ben look at each other. Half of the audience members are cheering, the other half have their faces hid behind the palm of their hands. Kylo, sorry, Ben and Rey kiss. #REYLO is fully realised. Ben dies. Rey takes the Skywalker last name. The end. There’s been a ton of debate in recent days on #Reylo. Did it need to happen? Should Kylo have just died without the kiss? Some love it, others hate it. Weirdly, it looks like there’s more to the kiss than meets the eye. According to the director of The Rise of Skywalker, JJ Abrams, the former Master of the Knights of Ren and Rey’s relationship isn’t a romantic one, but that of a brother and sister. What. On. Earth. When asked by a fan to comment on the Rey-Ren relationship, JJ Abrams had this to say: Okay, so right about now, you’re thinking, perhaps JJ just didn’t word his thoughts correctly. Which is of course, understandable. But Abrams did not stop there.

The comparison does not make any sense because at the time of writing Star Wars: A New Hope, George Lucas did not have plans for Luke and Leia to be siblings. Heck, Darth Vader wasn’t even Luke’s father in the early drafts of Empire Strikes Back. The kiss between Luke and Leia wasn’t a weird special sibling bond kiss. They didn’t know they were siblings. Leia kissed Luke because Han was being an egotistical idiot (in a charming, Han sort of way of course). And Luke shoots Han a look that says, “Who’s the badass now? The hot princess likes me!” Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is currently playing in cinemas.