During the Dewan Rakyat session earlier today, Education Minister Mohd Radzi Md Jidin said that schools with connection speeds of between 30Mbps and 100Mbps will be upgraded to between 100Mbps and 800Mbps connections. This will be done through the Government Integrated Telecommunications Network (MyGovNet). And this is set to take place starting the middle of next year, though no exact date was provided for this. As for schools in areas without broadband internet coverage, the minister says that they will be connected through VSAT networks. This is expected to happen a fair bit earlier, in February of 2021. And this is all part of the country’s national budget for 2021. Though the minister also says that most schools already have access to internet connectivity. All in all, this is good news for schools. This will be especially so for schools without internet coverage yet, as they will be getting access sooner than the overall speed upgrade. (Source: NST / YouTube)