In a recent interview with Uproxx, to promote his new film Knives Out, director Rian Johnson was naturally also asked about The Last Jedi. While at first hesitant to talk about Star Wars all over again, Johnson eventually gave in after some prodding. Johnson was asked about his thoughts on The Last Jedi‘s fan backlash and how it’s very similar to the backlash Empire Strikes Back initially received. The highly talented director had this to say:
So, I mean, I don’t know. I think that anything with a passionate following always has a passionate following and Star Wars is that, even more so. You can’t be angry at one side of it when it’s also the reason the positive is so passionate, you know? It’s all part of the same thing and it always was like this basic thing. That’s why I love it.” I’m sure a lot of people would probably roll their eyes at Rian Johnson’s comment, but there’s no denying The Last Jedi‘s pop-cultural impact. Love it or hate it, it made you feel something and when it comes to art, that’s always better than making you feel nothing.