Of the four, one of them is the Bay to Bay Express (BtoBE) Cable System by Facebook, in collaboration with Time Dotcom Berhad as a landing partner in Cherating. This one is expected to be completed in the first quarter of next year. Second is the MIST Cable System by NTT with Arus Restu Sdn Bhd as the landing partner in Morib. Completion of this one is expected in the second quarter of 2023. The third of the undersea cables currently in construction is the IAX Cable System in Morib. And the fourth is the BaSICS Cable System by PP Telecommunication Sdn Bhd in Kuching. Both are expected to be completed by the end of 2022. Annuar also says that Malaysia was linked with 17 different undersea cable services. Of the 17, four of them were in the core network category, connecting Sabah and Sarawak to the outside world. The existing network capacity was also more than sufficient to meet future demand. (Source: Bernama)