However, it is only at the company’s P40 series launch yesterday that Huawei has unveiled a new digital assistant for countries outside of its home market. The new P40 series trio will be the first to feature it in which users can activate by saying “Hey Celia” or holding their power button for few seconds.

In terms of functionality, maybe of the actions that users can perform with Celia still similar to what you might have seen on other digital assistants. Among them is making phone calls, send text messages, set schedule and alarms as well as quick access to certain phone settings. Users can also call upon Celia to play music, check weather, and perform translation or image recognition. Aside from P40, Huawei is planning to make the feature available not only for the company’s other phones but also other types of devices such as speakers and TVs in the future. Currently able to support English, French, and Spanish, the digital assistant will initially be made available in the UK, France, Spain, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. The company has yet to reveal any release timeline for Malaysia though.

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