One of them is called Motion Sense which is essentially the capability to support hand gestures. This particular feature is made possible by the Soli motion-sensing radar which was developed by Google’s own Advanced Technology and Projects team for the past five years. Users apparently can use Motion Sense to skip songs, snooze alarms, and silence calls by waving their hand. Google pointed out that Pixel 4 will be the first device to be equipped with Soli. Another feature that will be enabled by Soli on Pixel 4 is face unlock. While the feature is already common on many smartphones these days, Google claimed that Pixel 4 does it in a more seamless manner as Soli would turn on the face unlock sensors as users reach out for their device and unlock it when they pick it up, given than the sensors and algorithms have identified the users. In other words, users don’t have to pose themselves and position their phone in a specific manner in order to get the face unlock feature to work. Google also stated that the face unlock feature on Pixel 4 would even work even if the phone is being held upside down.

At the same time, the company also said that users’ face and Soli sensor data is processed directly on Pixel 4. Additionally, Google also assures that the data will not be saved or shared with its other services. Meanwhile, how about the official launch date for Pixel 4? Well, Google still chooses to keep it a secret for the time being although don’t worry: it will still take place within 2019. (Source: Google.)

Google Pixel 4 Supports Hand Gestures and Face Unlock Through Soli Motion Sensing Radar - 34