According to a leak shared by Digital Chat Station on Weibo, the allegedly upcoming midranger chipset will be known as the Dimensity 7000. It is said to be built on the TSMC 5nm FinFET process, where the central processing unit (CPU) consists of two clusters with four cores each. The first four cores feature ARM’s Cortex-A78 microarchitecture which runs at 2.75GHz, while the other consists of Cortex-A55 cores that run at 2.0GHz. GSMArena notes that the alignment of the CPU resembles that of the Dimensity 1200, but adds that all four Cortex-A78 cores will have equal clock speed rather than having the 1+3+4 setup. In terms of graphics, the alleged MediaTek Dimensity 7000 is said to come with a Mali-G510 MC6 GPU. The component was originally announced by ARM earlier this year, but this is the first time that it will be implemented on a smartphone chipset – provided that this rumour is accurate, of course. The leak did not detail whether the upcoming SoC will come with 5G support, although there’s a good chance that it might. It is not known when MediaTek plans to officially announce the Dimensity 7000, but rumours suggest next-gen devices featuring it are expected to arrive as early as the first quarter of the new year. (Source: Digital Chat Station [Weibo] via GSMArena)